Unwinding of wires from coils, from coils, from spiders in vertical and horizontal axis
Feeders without drive and with drive.
Unwinding of rolled wire.
We will manufacture unwinding equipment for straighteners and wire cutters.

Unwinding of wires from coils, from coils, from spiders in vertical and horizontal axis
Feeders without drive and with drive.
Unwinding of rolled wire.
We will manufacture unwinding equipment for straighteners and wire cutters.
Smetanovo nábřeží 180
517 54 Vamberk
ID: 47470046
VAT number:CZ47470046
File number:
C insert 2888 held at the Regional Court in Hradec Králové
Bank connection (account for EUR payments)::
Name of the bank: MONETA Money Bank, a.s.
Bank account number: 239755878/0600
IBAN: CZ9206000000000239755878